馬卡龍夢遊仙境 Macarons' Adventures in Wonderland



本書編譯自路易斯.卡洛爾原著、約翰.田尼爾原插圖之「 愛麗絲夢遊仙境 」。使用相片、電繪與手繪,以馬卡龍化身為書中角色與原版經典的黑白插圖結合;搭配新編譯之文字,應是眾多愛麗絲改編版本中「最好吃」的一版喔!

Macarons Crash Wonderland⁈

This book is translated and re-edited from the book, Alice's Adventure in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll in 1865, in which Macarons play the characters in Wonderland in the scenes of classic black and white illustrations originated by John Tenniel. I assume this book the most delicious version among the various versions of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland!

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